Understanding Customer Needs: A Path to Business Growth

If you think about why your customers buy, you gain a better perspective on how to serve them. For instance, if you’re a caterer and your main focus is just on food—“I cook the best food!”—and you’re on Instagram posting endless pictures of it, you’re too focused on just food! Food! Food! Then you’re leaving a lot on the table.

Now, start asking yourself this: “Why do people buy food? Sure, they buy it for events, or maybe they don’t feel like cooking at home.” When you ask these questions, you’ll realize, “Oh! They need food for events. Where do these events usually happen?” This leads to the next step: “Which event centers can I partner with?”

It’s a straightforward approach—you propose to event centers that they get a cut, maybe 15%, if they work with you. You can showcase the companies you’ve served, the places you’ve catered to, and your active social media presence. That’s a solid, win-win deal!

So, the key here is understanding that someone out there is already serving the customers you’re targeting with different products. Collaborating with them opens up new opportunities.

Now, think of a gym. Most people sign up for two main reasons: to look attractive or to lose weight after a doctor’s advice. Another segment is professional athletes who practically live in the gym. However, the most common reasons—looking good and avoiding health issues—create massive opportunities.

It’s not just about working out; what goes into your body matters too. This is where nutrition comes in. You can work with dietitians to create meal plans tailored to various needs—six-pack seekers, those on aggressive weight loss journeys, or individuals wanting to bulk up. Collaborate with the gym owner to offer these plans at reasonable prices.

The gym isn’t just a place to lift weights; it becomes a comprehensive package. When customers come in, they can access a nutritionist, physiotherapist, and even massage services for pain management. You’re not just selling a gym membership; you’re offering a holistic wellness solution.

Now, think about your own business: How can you expand your service offerings by understanding your customer’s true needs and collaborating with others to create a complete solution? Share in the comments section below. If you need help, reach out to Dimewise today!

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